Thursday, August 04, 2011

This ain't my first rodeo....well actually it is

If you're from Texas you have more than likely heard the saying "This ain't my first rodeo!" and probably even been to a rodeo or two.

Well, I've said that little diddy several times but having lived in Texas most of my life, embarrassingly enough, I've never been to a rodeo. I hope they don't take away my Texas card now.

In the span of one month I was able to go to two different rodeos in our area and let me just tell you, I am hooked.

Bronc Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBronc Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBronc Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBronc Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBronc Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBronc Riding at the Cedar Park Rodeo
Calf Roping at the Cedar Park RodeoHorses doing their thing...Calf Roping at the Cedar Park RodeoCalf Roping at the Cedar Park RodeoCalf Roping at the Cedar Park RodeoHorses at the Cedar Park Rodeo
Cedar Park RodeoGetting ready to open the chutes at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park Rodeo
Bull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding Cedar Park RodeoCedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park RodeoBull Riding at the Cedar Park Rodeo

Cedar Park Rodeo, a set on Flickr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This look like it would be a lot of fun to watch.